17. October 2022
As always, networking and face-to-face discussions was an integral part, starting at the dinner the day prior to the meeting.
We had the pleasure to host two very inspiring keynote presentators during our full day workshop, both coming from the RWTH Aachen Campus-ecosystem.
Sven Cremer from e.Volution GmbH shared the inspiring vision of a new platform for Mobility as a Service. Gregor Tuecks, Ph.D. provided insights in the future of remanufacturing in the DFA Demonstrationsfabrik Aachen. A guided tour in the WBA Werkzeugakademie featured an E4TC use case realized there as well as interesing insights into their asset infrastructure.
The day was well-rounded through an interactive group workshop where we tackled future challenges and each group presented their vision to the audience.
We thank all participants for their insightful input and the interesting discussions.